Test Entry
Surveys/Rating Scales
External Raters

External Rater Did Not Receive Invite Email

Due to a variety of factors you may hear from your External Raters that they did not receive the invite email to complete the Ratings. A lot of the times it is due to a spam filter they may have enabled on their end. However, here are a few steps to try and keep in mind.

Ensure you add Exteral Rater Properly

When you are adding the external rater ensure you "Add Rater and Send Invite Email"

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Ensure Email is Correct

Double check that the email for the rater is correct

Send the External Ratings Form Manually

If the above does not work, you always have the option to manually send your Raters the form.

  1. Go to the NPCC-3 / NPCC-4 page for your patient
  2. Click "External Raters"
  3. In the Dialog that pops up you can now click on the "Copy" icon in the "Form Submission Link" column and send it to them directly
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