The Report Writer is the essential aspect of the system where the user can generate reports for each patient. It is organized into several domains: Demographics, Academic Achievement, Intelligence, Executive Functioning, Attention, Memory, Language, Visual-Spatial, Motor Functioning, Adaptive Behavior and more!
The usage of the Report Writer revolves around "Report Sections". In the Report Writer tab you can traverse the different parts of the Report by selecting a given section of the report to help build your report.

Within each Report Section you will automatically get tables generated based on the data you entered from the Tests tab.
Table are composed of many differnet Table Components to help aid your report writing.

At the bottom of each "Report Section" is where you can write the narrative for the entire section / domain.

In certain use cases you may want to only view the tables in the Report Writer tab. To do that, toggle the switch from "Full Report" to "Tables Only". This will hide all narratives, narrative manager's, and summmary inputs.