Test Entry

Test Entry Basics

Depending on the test there may be a variety of inputs you will be asked to properly enter in the data fields used to generate the comprehensive report properly.

Below is an example of a data entry section found in the FAR test entry screen.

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Each data entry section will include the subtest name, the score we expect as input (e.g., scaled score, standard score, t-score) and a field for you to enter the appropriate score. The classification is automatically entered for each entered score, based on the universal classification system recommended by Miller and Maricle, 2019, 2022).

There are validation rules in place to ensure you are entering the correct data. For instance, if you enter a score of 245 for the Procedural Index, which is a STDS score, an error will be displayed and you will not be able to save the data until you fix the error.