Patient Management
Patient Profile

Report Writer

Welcome to the Report Writer tab, the essential aspect of our system! This is where you can generate comprehensive and accurate reports for your patients. The tables in this tab are automatically generated and subtests are categorized and classified based on skill. You can also write narratives for each skill and summaries for each domain. The report writer tab generates tables following the School Neuropsychcology and Cattell-Horn-Carroll (SNP/CHC) model. This model is an integrated process-oriented approach that classifies major tests of school-age neuropsychological, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement tests, as well as behavioral rating scales for ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders, and adaptive behavior rating scales. The SNP/CHC model is dynamic and evolving based on ongoing refinement of the theory and validation research.

View the Report Writer page for full documentation and usage of the Report Wrtier.

Example Report Writer

Document image

Updated 28 Apr 2023
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